#108: Customer Logic and Growing Business with Bryan Clayton

So many businesses start by identifying a problem people have and trying to solve it. That was the idea behind GreenPal, the “Uber for lawn care” that connects homeowners with local lawn care professionals. But as GreenPal CEO and co-founder Bryan Clayton discovered along the way, he was actually solving a different problem for his customers. More than speed, more than a good deal, they want reliability.

Today, GreenPal has more than 100,000 active users and makes thousands of transactions every day. It’s Bryan’s second successful landscaping company, following the $10 million annual revenue of Peachtree, Inc., which sold to Lusa Holdings in 2013.

Bryan‘s dropping a ton of knowledge in this episode, including bootstrapping businesses, lawn care tips, and why you need to focus on ”customer logic” instead of getting caught up in your own founder hubris.

Highlights of our conversation

  • How Bryan got into the landscaping industry and moved from a local company to a national business. (3:42)

  • Why selling his first company turned out to be incredibly challenging for Bryan. (6:18)

  • One of the top challenges Bryan has had to overcome with Green Pal. (8:32)

  • The hardest part about learning via “YouTube University,” and some of the top resources Bryan has discovered along the way. (11:32)

  • The difference between founder logic and customer logic, and why not understanding that difference can waste years of your life. (15:16)

  • Why going national with Green Pal was much harder than Brian expected, turning into a humbling experience — and what he learned from that experience. (22:42)

  • How Green Pal has expanded its services to ensure people in different climates can still receive quality care year-round. (26:44)

  • Bryan’s best advice for an entrepreneur just getting started. (30:11)

  • Bryan shares his top three tips for taking care of your lawn. (33:53)

Where to find Bryan Clayton

Learn more about GreenPal and schedule a service.

Follow Bryan on Instagram.

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