#123: How to Change the World By Doing Good with Annalisa Enrile

For perhaps her whole life, Annalisa Enrile has been an advocate for other people. She’s a social worker, professor at the University of Southern California, community organizer, and activist against human trafficking.

So, naturally, Annalisa was a great host for a show like Goodniks, which explores the journey and meaning of doing good in the world. It’s storytelling at its finest.

We’re talking about how you (yes, YOU) can change the world on a more day-to-day and less epic scale and why the next generation is bringing us a ton of hope.

Highlights of our conversation

  • How Goodniks got started and what Annalisa hopes listeners get out of the show. (3:28)

  • Why storytelling is so important in helping change the world, the beauty of “smaller” stories, and how you can be a better storyteller. (5:53)

  • The seemingly endless cycle of content creation, and why Goodniks focused on developing 10 high-quality episodes around doing good for its first season. (8:58)

  • Why human rights is still such an ongoing issue and challenge for so many people and countries. (12:02)

  • The importance of curiosity. (14:14)

  • Why Annalisa is inspired by younger generations and the hope and audaciousness they possess. (18:22)

  • Ways Annalisa practices self-care that would be super helpful for you, too. (22:15)

  • How we can stop slavery and human trafficking — and yes, none of these steps are easy, but they’re all critical. (24:25)

  • The top things you can do to change the world. (26:02)

Where to find Annalisa Enrile and Goodniks

Listen to the show at goodniks.org.

Say hello to Annalisa at annalisaenrile@icloud.com

Support Good People, Cool Things

Thanks to Agency for Change by KidGlov for supporting this episode. There’s a lot of rough stuff in the world, and Agency for Change highlights the people, programs, and products doing good things out there. We could all use some more of that. Check out an episode with Kenny McMorris of Charles Drew here.

Buy a copy of Kind, But Kind of Weird: Short Stories on Life's Relationships.

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#124: American Idol Stories and Building a Music Brand with Kate Watson


#122: Creative Risks, Trapped Mice, and Social Media Negativity with Will Wood