#114: Making Candy and Growing a Brand with Tamalitoz Owners Jack Bessulo and Dec Simmons

I’ve been a candy fan for about as long as I can remember. Halloween nights were a contest to see how many Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Twix bars I could amass, and I once ate an entire large bag of Sour Skittles at a movie once (it was Undercover Brother, if you’re scoring at home). Yet I’ve never tried a candy quite like Tamalitoz.

It combines some of the traditional flavors of Mexican candy with British sweets, with a bit of spice on the inside, rather than coating the outside. You’ll definitely want to try Tamalitoz by Sugarox. Owners Jack Bessulo and Dec Simmons share how they got started, ways to expand a brand, and some of the most surprising things about running a business.

Highlights of our conversation

  • How Jack and Dec came up with the Tamalitoz name and their origin story. (2:10)

  • The wake-up call Jack and Dec got at a candy convention and how they quickly expanded their business. (7:04)

  • Some of the rejected flavors Jack and Dec have tested out. (12:46)

  • A nice nostalgic look at some of the candy Dec grew up with and how some of those candies inspired the Tamalitoz flavors. Plus, a RuPaul Drag Race mention! (16:39)

  • What’s worked well with marketing and why being honest with customers on social media has been among the most successful strategies. (22:08)

  • Some of the more surprising elements of running a business in the midst of the pandemic. (27:54)

  • The top three people Tamalitoz would like to partner with. (31:46)

Where to find Tamalitoz

Grab a pack or 10 of Tamalitoz at tamalitoz.com.

Find Tamalitoz at all Michael’s and HEB locations.

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#115: Artisanal Food and Business Simplicity with Mark Josephson


#113: Working at a Grocery Store in the Middle of a Pandemic with Adam Kaat