#176: Listen to This While Developing Your Superpower — with Joe Field

I need you to think about what your superhero power would be. Would you choose a classic like being able to fly or turning invisible? Would you go a more wacky yet practical route (I call it wacktical) like me, who just wants an extra pair of arms that can come out when needed?

Whatever you come up with, this episode should inspire you.

If Paul Bunyan had added writing to his axe-wielding ways, he’d be Joe Field. Joe is the creator of the LEGENDS UNIVERSE and author of Arrowhead Legends, Skoldrum Legends, and Chokecherry Legends. His books are enjoyed by middle-grade kids, young adults, new adults, and the young at heart, or as he calls them, fun adults.

We’re talking about navigating the Texas heat with a newborn, his top tool for taking notes, and how he writes entire books using a technique called mind writing.

Thanks to Babe Patrol for supporting this episode. Check out their brand new season!

Highlights from our conversation

  • Joe’s bananas experience coming to Texas in the middle of August with his wife, toddler, and newborn — and a stop at Bucee’s! (4:10)

  • The first thing Joe ever wrote. Shout out to Rubbermaid bins full of childhood memorabilia! (10:50)

  • A peek into songwriting, plus a terrific song lyric from singer/songwriter James McMurtry. (13:58)

  • How Joe got into writing books, plus the inspiration behind his LEGENDS UNIVERSE series. (18:30)

  • What we’d want our superhero powers to be. (27:10)

  • How Joe uses head writing and mind writing to quickly write books. (28:42)

  • What Joe’s creative process looks like and why he swears by Google Keep to take writing notes. (31:17)

  • Joe’s Top 3 BBQ spots in the US, including Arthur Bryant’s in Kansas City, Franklin Barbecue in Austin, and Pinkerton’s Barbecue in San Antonio. (39:07)

Where to find Joe Field

Check out Joe’s work with LEGENDS Universe. And if you’re in a book club, reach out to him, and he’ll join an upcoming meeting!


#177: Listen to This While Munching On Your Halloween Candy


#175: Listen to This While Fighting a Snack Attack