Making Music, The Backstreet Boys, and More with DJ Lux

Creating a song for yourself can be a daunting process. But to do it alongside artists such as Jennifer Lopez, Bruno Mars and Beyoncé? It’s a high bar to clear—there’s a certain level of quality that those musicians and their millions of fans expect. Yet producer, writer, and remixer DJ Lux has seamlessly worked with several big-name artists, delivering tracks enjoyed by people across the world.

Now, DJ Lux is traveling the world with The Backstreet Boys as part of their DNA World Tour (grab tickets here), performing alongside BSB’s AJ McLean in All The Cool Kids.

DJ Lux sat down with Good People, Cool Things to chat about his most influential artists, working with AJ McLean, and something he always has to bring with him when he’s on the road. (Note: This interview has been lightly edited for clarity.)

Do you remember the first song or artist that made you want to make music?

Absolutely!!! Journey has been very influential to me along with a long list of other rock artists, including Meatloaf and Creedence Clearwater Revival. 

What's your song creation process like?

I’m always looking for the track first. So, when I find a track or grooves in my demo process that I love, then I can build from there. The next question that arises is “is it going to be competitive?” Or “will this be broadly accepted?”

One of the things that mean the most to me is, what is it going to feel like, sound like, look like when it is performed live? As a DJ I always want my live show to be thorough, compelling, and exciting from the very first note to the goodbyes. I’m always looking for my original music to complement all of that.

What's it like working with AJ in All The Cool Kids?

AJ is an absolute class act from beginning to end. This man cuts absolutely no corners and has a huge heart not just for his craft but for his fans as well and understands how those two coincide like nobody I’ve ever met.

I’ve been really grateful to spend time with him on and off the bus, in and out of studios, and from stage to stage. It’s definitely one of the highlights of my career.

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Besides your gear, clothes, and toiletries, what are a couple of items you have to bring when you go on tour?

That’s a really great question. I always have one specific picture of my wife in my suitcase that she gave me years ago when we first started dating and I was going on a trip. Since then, we’ve been married for years and have grown our family to three kids; I never leave home without that picture.

What's your favorite Backstreet Boys song?

Well, publicly, it’s “Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely” because it’s that type of song that I can’t quite stop singing when I hear it. But secretly, it’s also “I Wanna Be With You” because it’s an amazing show opener.

What's next for you?

Well, next for me is more traveling and more shows this fall, and enjoying some time with my family while getting back in the studio to produce a few projects with some surprise artists. I’m also going to continue writing, creating my next single to fill out my EP coming early ’23.


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