#149: Remembering the Totally Rad 80s with Chris Clews

As a late 80s baby, I'm technically more of a kid of the 90s. Yet I know my birth decade has plenty of magical moments and pop culture touchstones that will live on forever.

Chris Clews is a speaker and author of multiple books, most recently Raised on The '80s: 30+ Unexpected Life Lessons from the Movies and Music That Defined Pop Culture’s Most Excellent Decade. He knows just how important the decade was and all the valuable lessons it can teach us.

We're talking about the top takeaways from the 80s, what it's like to become an entrepreneur later in life, and what relics need to come back in modern times.

Highlights of our conversation

  • Why Chris left a job in corporate marketing to become a keynote speaker and author with a huge penchant for 80s pop culture. (4:11)

  • What it’s been like to become an entrepreneur later in life and the pros and cons of such a decision. (7:52)

  • Some of the more surprising parts of being an entrepreneur. (11:13)

  • Relics from the 80s that we should bring back! (13:18)

  • Book marketing strategies that have worked well, plus why committing to a daily habit is the best way to write a book. (17:35)

  • Chris’s favorite life lesson from his book. (23:13)

  • The worst speaking gig Chris has ever had. (28:39)

  • Why Chris is so committed to animal advocacy. (31:15)

  • The top three underrated movies from the 80s. (37:53)

Where to find Chris Clews

Learn more about Chris Clews, his speaking work and pick up a copy of his book.

Find him on Instagram at @chrisclews80s or Twitter at @80spopculture


#150: Yogurt, Agriculture, and Starting a Family Business with the Painterland Sisters


#148: Scents, Memories, and Going Banshee with Beth Geddio