#148: Scents, Memories, and Going Banshee with Beth Geddio

During the pandemic, many people decided to start businesses. No time commuting and sitting in traffic? Sign me up for that extra time! Beth Geddio was among that group, though her company, State of Being, was born out of frustration.

Today, Beth is all-in on State of Being, which pairs scented candles with positive affirmations. There's a lot of chaos in the world, so having something soothing and restorative is quite lovely.

Beth shares what she's learned along her entrepreneurial journey, marketing strategies that did — and didn't — work, and the best compliment she's ever received.

Highlights of our conversation

  • The science behind scents and memories and how you can train your brain to create positive experiences. (4:02)

  • Where the idea for State of Being came from. (7:50)

  • How Beth balanced having a full-time job with “going banshee” on her new business. (10:54)

  • Why there’s value in hiring people you know within your network to help build your brand. (13:28)

  • Beth’s process for pairing affirmations with scents. (16:16)

  • Some of the failed scent experiments that never made it to the candle stage, plus why two people can smell the same scent in completely different ways. (20:08)

  • How it’s been going since Beth jumped all in on entrepreneurship and left her full-time job behind. (24:32)

  • Marketing tactics that have worked well — and promising ones that didn’t work. (28:17)

  • Beth and I each share compliments that have stuck with us. It’s a charming activity, and I hope you try it, too! (32:41)

  • Beth’s top three vacation destinations. (35:35)

Where to find Beth Geddio

Visit State of Being and find a new wonderful gift at stateofbeingco.com.

Follow the company on Instagram or Facebook.


#149: Remembering the Totally Rad 80s with Chris Clews


#147: Milk, Songwriting, and Getting Slimed with Natalie Shay