#147: Milk, Songwriting, and Getting Slimed with Natalie Shay

Natalie Shay is a singer/songwriter from London who's been on a musical barrage lately. Her latest EP, MILK, came out in the fall of 2022 and she featured on other songs since then. And we're barely a month into 2023 but she's already dropped another single, "The Edge."

We're talking all about her songwriting process, what people in creative fields should do to stay motivated, and perhaps the best thing she's done to market her music (which also happens to involve slime).

She's also ranking her top Taylor Swift albums, so to all my Swifties out there: Feel free to chime in.

Highlights of our conversation

  • The song Natalie heard that first made her want to write music and her early songwriting inspirations. (2:45)

  • Natalie talks about her album MILK, and we also explore her favorite kind of milk (because we love the hard-hitting questions over here). (4:41)

  • How Natalie kept herself busy during the pandemic with touring put on hold. (7:23)

  • A look at the marketing elements Natalie has done to promote her music, plus a near brush with getting slimed on television. (9:12)

  • Natalie’s songwriting process and why it differs from song to song. (14:34)

  • The worst gig Natalie has ever played. (19:09)

  • What Natalie has learned through music and how she keeps herself motivated while creating. (20:58)

  • Natalie’s top 3 Taylor Swift albums ranked, plus her top tips for how to grow an Instagram account. (26:49)

Where to find Natalie Shay

Check out the Natalie Shay website to hear The Edge and all of her other music.

Visit her Instagram account at @natalieshaymusic


#148: Scents, Memories, and Going Banshee with Beth Geddio


#146: Emotional Response Marketing and Effective Copy with Stefan Georgi